• Avenues

    “you know avenues run one way

    the streets they run the same

    it’s going to take a lot of shit for me

    to stay away” — Whiskeytown

    On the topic of blogging, I would be remiss if I didn’t express the gratitude I feel toward those who inspired me to initially start blogging—and to pick it up again.

    Folks like Jason Kottke. Jason and I worked together briefly at a small web boutique in Minneapolis in 2000. Those who know Jason, know his legend. He suggested I give blogging a try. Already “internet famous” Jason was very kind and encouraging to me as I took those first awkward steps onto the personal, public web. I had no cred, but I think he knew I shared the same love for the medium as he did. And he made me feel welcome and worthy.

    Fast forward nearly 25 years. Jason is still at it. Full-time. It’s not just a job. It’s a commitment. A promise. A plea!? To what or to whom, I’m not sure. To the universe, maybe? To us? The result is such a genuine article. Through a remarkable lens, Jason’s work is a gift to the world and a living testament to the power of the internet to enable a single person to share their human experience to anyone and everyone.

    Jason and I aren’t in direct contact much these days, but his devotion to his art and his curations and observations have been a daily source of insight, comfort, curiosity, and awe. Thanks, Jason.

  • Fourth Time Around

    “don’t waste your words, they’re just lies” — Bob Dylan

    I don’t really believe that. Certainly not about my words. However, there’s a nice challenge to not try to fool anyone here. Especially myself. Rather, I should strive to respect this space enough to speak truth. To be vulnerable. Even think aloud. Just don’t indulge in bullshit.

    So here’s to getting back on the horse that is sellke.com. To the previous efforts and to the efforts to come. May they not be wasted.